Monday, September 14, 2009

The Charge

Once in a lifetime I clung to my heart,
Forever now, forever torn apart,
But remember the day before the charge,
Those good years before, when love was at large.
We kissed, we hugged, we planned for days ahead,
For the night to make love when we would be wed,
We laughed, we cried, we did share our fears,
Planning our future, those wonderful years.

Once in a lifetime we face a disaster,
And feel the pain that comes with it after,
Nothing we did could prevent that day,
The day when the bull charges out to play.

It charges ahead one, two, three,
Darting at you, ripping destiny,
Those years of caution that protected yourselves,
Remain at nothing like empty oyster shells.

Once in a lifetime we will feel love,
Connecting the earth to the heaven above,
Once in a lifetime did I feel pain,
And would never love, never again.

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